Paul Dumont facilitates shared housing in the San Fernando Valley and throughout Los Angeles for people coming home from institutions, recovering from substance use disorder, and/or mental health conditions. Having achieved stability from a San Fernando Valley sober living home in 2004 after serving multiple prison terms and cycling in and out of homelessness for nearly two decades, he helps others find housing and stay out of government cages. Paul works daily on the front line to assist people to overcome all kinds of reentry obstacles. His professional work history includes management positions in the transportation, finance, and insurance sectors. Volunteer experience includes serving on nonprofit boards, Neighborhood Council planning, land use, zoning, housing, and public safety committees, as well as advocacy work for persons with disabilities. His passion is advocating for the rights of people denied access to housing. Paul draws resources from a vast network of advocates and decisions makers at all levels of government working to improve reentry outcomes and to prevent – and end – homelessness. As a single father of four, he enjoys learning from his kids how to make the world a better place.