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Georgia Resurrection/ Failed DC Coup

Dearest DPN Community,

Yesterday history was made in Georgia and around the country when organizers changed the electoral landscape in ways people didn’t think possible. 

As a result of grassroots electoral justice organizing led by many visionary community members, including Dignity and Power Now’s very own powerful community organizer, Helen Jones, and our partners at the Black Futures Lab, Senator Raphael Warnock became the first Black senator from Georgia. He is also the first Black Democrat to represent a southern state in the Senate, and the 11th Black Senator to serve in the US Senate in history. What’s more: newly-elected Senator Osoff is Georgia’s first Jewish Senator.

While we keep our hopes in peoples’ movements, rather than letting them rest in political institutions, we know that it is essential to claim these electoral justice victories as movement victories, since on-the-ground organizers mobilized massive amounts of voters in Georgia to co-create this win.

We also know that the composition of the US Senate has a material impact on everyone, and that with these new political conditions at the Federal level, we are better situated to win needed policies for our people, like COVID 19 relief, transformation of the criminal legal system, and equitable funding for education and other vital social services.

As the country celebrates mass mobilization in GA, we are painfully aware of the flip side of these victories– the white supremacist violence that sprang forth at the US Capitol on January 6th, 2021. Leading racial justice activists and thinkers have often used the term ‘whitelash’ to describe the displays of white supremacist violence and rage that white people muster in droves after political advancements towards racial justice and other social progress. 

White supremacy is a part of the daily fabric of our society; we must remove it from all of the places that it is insidiously woven in. We see a pattern of massive displays of violent public whitelash throughout history, and in recent memory. In the last decade alone, we saw mass whitelash in 2012 and 2016 when then-Senator Barack Obama was elected to be the first Black president of the United States. We saw it throughout 2015/2016 and 2020, in response to mass #BlackLivesMatter mobilization and visionary Movement for Black Lives organizing, and we saw it in 2017, in Charlottesville. Now, we see white supremacist violence — whitelash — on full display at the US Capitol in response to movement gains made by progressive organizers in 2021. These violent displays are white supremacy’s dying breath —  white people politically out of step with social and racial justice throwing the very serious, very dangerous equivalent of a political temper tantrum.

While we are enraged and disgusted by this pattern of white supremacist harm, we will not let these bursts of violence weaken our community. Displays of racial threats and intimidation will never eclipse the victories of movement organizers and the collective power of our people. 2020 was a year of collective struggle, and backlash to our shared victories is expected. Yet, we will not let it weaken us as we continue to push forward in the name of justice.

We know that days like these land hard on our hearts and rest heavy on our spirits. 

Dignity and Power Now stands with you, and we share in the difficult task of witnessing this disturbing moment in our work. Check on your loved ones today, and reach out for support. We are stronger together.

We are ready to move forward with you, not forgetting the power of our victories even as we witness other peoples’ dangerous response to their own defeats.

In solidarity and in power,

Dignity and Power Now


Parallels of Revolution

By: Lamia El Sadek, PhD

Managing Director of Dignity and Power Now

On January 28th, 2011, thousands of people took to the streets in Cairo, Alexandria, Suez and all over Egypt – much like what is happening now in America. Over the short period of 18 days, millions of protesters demanded a drastic change to living conditions, dignified treatment for all, and the end of the current regime. As the Police and Army took to the streets to protect the system, over 846 people lost their lives and 6,000 were injured. 

In 2011, I was working in Egypt and had been regularly protesting various issues from humanitarian violations to free speech rights and labor rights. The latest uprising in America reminds me of the Egyptian Revolution and the parallels are many.

It is okay to call it what it is –  an uprising!

The revolution did not happen overnight, it happened after decades and decades of protesting, of chronicling human rights violations, corruption, and coverups. Decades of making demands, of activists trying different venues such as mobilizing for elections or peaceful protests, and many years of enduring retaliations from the system.

One thing I learned is that a revolution comes in waves, and after each wave the system thinks it is behind them, until one day it erupts with such massive volatility and leaves many wondering – how did it get to this point?

Immediately, a curfew was implemented, not to stop the looting, but to be able to pick protestors out easily. This also fueled the looting, which seemed to always happen during the curfew hours. Protestors were peaceful, went home after protests or stuck around in the streets to help de-escalate.

Protestors and revolutionaries took to the streets during the day, were shot at, camped on the streets and sought medical care. And at night, the looters came out and so did the police. The footage that aired over and over in the media seemed to always be from the night-time when looters, whom many believed to be state agents, seemed to be setting everything on fire.

To further terrify people into submission and despair, the national guard was called. Sound familiar? 

Then the cycle we all knew from past protests started again; token resolutions offered, massive waves of retaliation, then criminalization of activists by the state media (state owned, and privately owned yet benefitting greatly from the system/regime).

Meanwhile, the insincere sympathizers emerge, ever-so-wisely lecturing everyone that looting is not the answer and that protesting leads to looting, so better to focus really hard and pray really hard that our voices and ballots will be heard at the next election. They try to slip in the notion that we ought to trust in the system and put our faith in the very same system we rose up to dismantle and bring down.

As we sat there, spending our nights camped out on the pavement and taking shifts to alert the others of the next attack of rubber bullets and teargas, many of us started to doubt ourselves. 

We began profound discussions about what truly harms the economy. 

The same questions need to be posed at this moment.

What harms the economy – our protests? Or the brutality and violence of the police leading to loss of life? How about the systemic racism, criminalization, and mass incarceration of so many people of color who otherwise would have contributed greatly to society – not to mention the exuberant cost of incarceration. 

We must start thinking – why is the economy always the vehicle used to silence people into complacency and submission? 

And what is the human cost to prioritizing the economy above all else?

The guilt-trippers are already busy reminding us that business owners are losing money, that we are harming the city, that this harm is unjustified, even in the face of historic and systemic genocide and assassinations of entire generations. 

During the revolution, the insincere sympathizers and the guilt-trippers were aptly called “Hizb El Kanaba” or the “Couch Party”, as people with privilege not impacted by the corruption and human rights violations. Yet, they were actively judging and watching their TVs while sitting on the couch.

Recently, photojournalist, Linda Tirado, was shot in the eye by police with a rubber bullet. She is permanently blind in her left eye as a result. There have been multiple reported cases of journalists attacked violently by police. 

It is not surprising that police are targeting journalists. The entire premise of transparency and the right of people to know what is going on, can only be damaging to the police if what’s being shown is their excessive brutality and criminalization of people of color.

During the Egyptian Revolution, the State police used the tactic of targeting protestors’ eyes to terrify and disperse them. Over a hundred protestors in Egypt lost their eyes. Incidentally, eyepatches became a symbol of the revolution, a sign of respect. The initial group of protestors were the critical mass needed to inspire change. In fact, police brutality and the intentional injuring and murdering of protestors was the fuel that truly brought millions to join the protestors out in the street. The Egyptians responded by creating an anonymous fund where people would donate for the treatment of all injured during the revolution.

Imposing a curfew and shutting down public transportation further enraged many people who could not find ways to get home from work or meet their basic needs. This is another tool to turn people against the protestors.

After many days full of excitement, despair, tears, blood and pain, many of the revolution’s demands were met. The President was ousted, yet lasting change needs much more work. The lessons from the revolution are many. 

While an uprising is born from scores of individuals calling for real change and common demands, when the dust settles, a united front­­ is necessary to implement the demands of the people.


Victory! Jail Contract Nixed!

What a week! Dignity and Power Now is a proud member of the Justice LA coalition and we’re ALL celebrating the L.A. County Board of Supes decision to honor the People’s request to nix a nearly $2 billion contract to build a jail for people with mental health needs.

Now that the contract is canceled, the County can and should invest in implementing and developing community-based alternatives to incarceration that will support the growing population of our most vulnerable community members- those who have mental health and substance use needs.

Instead of that jail, the Board will now develop and expand community-based systems of preventative care and also increase the funding to care for individuals in custody who are experiencing serious mental illness.

So we did that! Together as a community. There’s a lot more work to do and you have a standing invitation to join up with us at DPN and get involved!

Congrats JusticeLA, congrats Los Angeles County!


We Rise L.A. 2019 Cohort Hosted by Freedom to Thrive Summary

Dignity and Power Now, its program Freedom Harvest and its Deputy Director of Health and Wellness, Melanie Griffin were presented at this year’s We Rise Los Angeles.

The We Rise cohort was a gathering of activists and organizers who do work related to abolition, put on by an organization based in Portland called Freedom to Thrive. It was a lovely training where folks got a chance to dialogue about how we can commit our organizations to dream and vision abolition into reality. We participated in different exercises like a visionary fiction writing workshop, shared strategies for prison divestment, and dove into how we all must center Black and Trans people(and especially the intersections of these identities) into our movements for liberation.

One of the exercises was going through a timeline of historical and present-day community-based victories and events that worked to interrupt the prison industrial complex, on a cultural, political, and social level. It was exciting and heartening to see that DPN’s Freedom Harvest was represented on this timeline.

There were people there from all over the U.S. and Jas Wade, a long time Dignity and Power Now’ member of Building Resilience, as well as Melanie Griffin, had a wonderful experience connecting with folks and gathering strategies and inspiration for how to build stronger, sustainable, and joyous movements.